27 fevereiro, 2013

A mais genial lida hoje!

 "I suppose in the end, the whole of life becomes an act of letting go, but what always hurts the most is not taking a moment to say goodbye."

26 fevereiro, 2013

O video mais louco dos últimos tempos!

A música que marcou a minha viagem a NYC. Hilariante é a palavra!
"And remember this moment for the rest of our lives" :)

Curtam bem a letra (de desmanchar a rir!):

 And we danced, and we cried
And we laughed and had a really really really good time
Take my hand, let's have a blast
And remember this moment for the rest of our lives
Our lives, our lives, our lives, our lives
Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh
Tonight, tonight, tonight, tonight, tonight
'Cause tonight's the night
Am I right?


Feels like night for a party
My nature so naughty
There's a knock on the door, it's the neighbors
Quit cock blocking
We're having a ho-down, you hoe's down?
Don't let me pull my hose out
'Cause it's big, long, pink, strong
And known to dance like all night long
Grab my hand, play this song
DJ save my life, come on
Leave your fear, back off the wall
Free of beat and pussy pop
If you don't have a pussy
Pop a cock into a booty
To a booty

And we danced, and we cried
And we laughed and had a really really really good time
Take my hand, let's have a blast
And remember this moment for the rest of our lives

I am not, I am not going to stand on the wall
I will dance, I will dance, I will break that ass off
And I see you in the corner, corner looking so small
Doing the robot like if I die tonight at least I went hard
I will not, I will not give a damn who watches me
I will live, I will live liberate the fox in me
I will be the disco ball, freak and give my all
To whatever girl's booty I'm freaking on
I'm not skeeting nah, it's just freaking hot
Alright I skeeted
I will not be a mannequin
The ego banish it
The roof's on fire
Let's burn down the Vatican
I will moon walk to Pluto in honor of Michael Jackson
In heaven he'll be saying that man is tight at dancing
RIP to the king, Michael Jackson, we learned it all from you
Dedicate this to the dance floor
Party up the sorrow 'til tomorrow morning happens
We pledge allegiance to the DJ put your hands up

And we danced, and we cried
And we laughed and had a really, really, really good time
Take my hand, let's have a blast
And remember this moment for the rest of our lives

You see me looking at you from that bar right over there
But your friends are huddled up and they are hating on a player
I just want to dance with you, get on the back of you
Tip tap the boots, extract the truth
Da-Dance with you, get on the back of you
Da-Dance dance dance

Oh-ee, oh-ee, oh
Oh-ee, oh-ee, oh

Hey-oh, hey-oh
Hey-oh, hey-oh



And we danced, and we cried
And we laughed and had a really really really good time
Take my hand, let's have a blast
And remember this moment for the rest of our lives

#My playlist

Videoclip brilhante e a voz...sem palavras!
Já conheço há um bom tempo, chegou a hora de partilhar :)
"Rudimental - Not giving in"

19 fevereiro, 2013

Cut cut cut

Já há muito que andava a amadurecer esta ideia, e finalemente ela tomou forma.
Aqui está o nova "eu" com  uma espeécie de bob mas menos curtinho, mas bem leve. Muitos centimetros de cabelo se foram, eu ainda em estado de choque mas agora é apreciar e curtir o cabelo curto eheh.
Muito bom pentear de manhã, deixou de ser doloroso e longo lavar o cabelo e secar.
Claro que passo metade do tempo a lembrar dos meus enormes cabelos negros e muito provavelmente vou voltar a deixar crescer logo a seguir. Agora até que gosto, é prático e elegante!

14 fevereiro, 2013

And I'm back!

Depois destas longas e merecidas férias, estou de volta!
Claro que tenho montes de novidades e muitas aventuras para contar mas isso está em offline a ser escrito e documentado (quer dizer, aquilo que se pode contar!).
Só digo que foram talvez as melhores férias de sempre :)
Como hoje é dia dos namorados, não podia deixar passar a data sem desejar a todos um dia cheio de muito amor, seja ele de que forma e feitio fôr.
Quanto a mim, as grandes novidades da semana são que sou tia de um lindo menino chamado Martim que nasceu com 7 meses e 1kg apenas e recebi uma grande notícia relacionada com o trabalho :)
Hoje estou na cidade certa para festejar o dia dos namorados - Paris - et vive l'amour!
Beijinhos e AMEM muito, que a vida sem amor é uma seca ;)
p.s. deixo-vos um video que me enviaram hoje e que é perfeito para hoje e para qualquer um dos outros dias da nossa vida.
Chama-se "This video will CHANGE your life"
- No matter what you do as a living , this video makes sense to your life.What if money was no object, whar would you do?